Denver Personal Injury Lawyers
Denver Personal Injury Lawyers

Denver Personal Injury Lawyers

Our Denver personal injury lawyers can help if you’ve been the victim of an accident that wasn’t your fault.

After suffering a serious injury, you’ll likely be facing physical, emotional and financial difficulties. You shouldn’t have to suffer more than you already have. Compensation can help you recover, adapt and move on.

We will fight aggressively on your behalf to win the maximum compensation possible by taking on the insurance companies. Even if you were partly to blame, you may still have a strong chance of recovering money. Our experienced lawyers will be able to determine the value of your claim and whether it is worth pursuing.

Feel free to contact Denver Personal Injury Lawyers today for a free consultation.

Table of Contents

Why Hire Denver Personal Injury Lawyers?

Successful Experience and Expertise

Equipped with an impressive mix of successful experience, resources and unparalleled legal expertise, we believe we are the best personal injury legal team in Denver.

Our team has won countless accolades, developed relationships with our clients, and earned respect throughout the law community.

Proudly Serving Denver

We are not your average team of Denver personal injury lawyers and pride ourselves on compassion, respect and success. We proudly serve the Denver community, securing compensation for injury victims from car accidents to skiing accidents.

Our results bring financial compensation to victims so they can rest, recover, adapt and move on with their lives.

Proven Results

  • An experienced legal team with 10.0 accredited ratings.
  • Licensed members of the Colorado Bar Association
  • Cases handled directly by our attorneys
  • Direct communication lines with clients, answering questions, concerns and maintaining attention.
  • No fees until we reach a settlement or win your case.
  • Free consultations

Denver Personal Injury Statistics

  • Over 10,000 injuries are caused by car accidents in Denver every year.
  • Electric scooter accidents send more people to hospitals than bicycles and walking.
  • Over 120 motorcyclists die in Colorado every year.
  • Over 8,000 skiers visit ER in Colorado per year.
  • 23,500 emergency room visits are made for Traumatic Brain Injuries in Colorado every year.
  • 126 in 1,000 people are being treated for injuries in the U.S.

How Our Denver Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help:

To Fight Greedy Insurance Companies

If you’ve been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you deserve compensation. Personal injury claims are a way to make you whole financially. They determine whether you, as the victim, should be compensated for your damages and how much that amount should be.

Sadly, insurance companies don’t make it easy. Insurance companies care about how much money they can save. They will hire attorneys and investigators to watch you. While their representatives on the phone may seem friendly, they are for-profit businesses. They do not have your best interests in mind- unless you give them no other choice.

Insurers regularly undervalue and deny claims, taking advantage of victims who are desperate for compensation. That’s where we come in- to level the playing field.

To Win The Maximum Possible Money

We don’t bend to the tricks and bullying from insurance companies. With years of experience, we know exactly how they work. Insurance companies will work with us because they respect us.

Fighting aggressively on your behalf, we will conduct investigations, gather evidence and build a case that wins you the maximum possible money.

What Are Personal Injury Claims?

Personal injury claims are civil claims made against negligent parties following an accident. After an injury, we set up a claim. We then send a demand for compensation. If we are unable to settle the case, then we will work together with our client to decide whether to file a lawsuit and take the issue to court.

Personal injury cases do not determine if the other party should be criminally charged or face jail time. Our power is to help you recover financial compensation.

Can I Afford a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Many people hear the word ‘lawyer’ and think that it will be expensive. In reality, anyone suffering from an accident that wasn’t their fault can afford a personal injury lawyer.

Denver Personal Injury Lawyers operate on a contingency basis – meaning we only get paid if we win your case. There are no out-of-pocket fees. You never have to pay us on a payment plan or a retainer. The payment of our fee comes from the settlement or court verdict we win on your behalf.

When Should You Contact a Denver Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you or a loved one have suffered injuries in an accident, it is always wise to speak with a Denver personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Many times we have clients call us from the accident scene asking for advice.

In terms of timing, receiving necessary medical care is always the priority. We can direct you whether to go to urgent care, to the hospital, or even the appropriate doctor to go to. When and where you receive this medical treatment is perhaps one of the most important decisions in your case. Thus, the sooner that you call, the better.

Even if you think you were partly to blame, our investigations may reveal that reality differed from your memory. Colorado also has comparative fault laws, meaning that partial blame may still entitle you to compensation.

Can You Sue for a Personal Injury in Denver?

Yes. Personal injury lawsuits are some of the most common types of civil actions in Colorado.

As long as the accident wasn’t more than 50% your fault, then you most likely have grounds to file a claim. By speaking to our Denver personal injury lawyers, we can determine what is possible and move forward appropriately.

Proving Liability

For any personal injury claim in Denver to succeed, we must show that the other party was liable for your injury.

To do this, we must show:

  • The defendant owed you a legal duty of care
  • The defendant breached that legal duty of care
  • That breach directly resulted in your injuries

A breach may have been caused by negligence, gross negligence, reckless conduct, or intentional misconduct.

Our Denver personal injury lawyers will conduct a thorough investigation to gather crucial evidence, determine the cause and display how it directly resulted in your injury.

Colorado Comparable Fault Laws

In Colorado, we have comparative faults laws. These require every personal injury case to be analyzed to see if there is a share of the responsibility.

The percentage of responsibility will then reduce the amount of compensation a victim can receive.

For example, if you are in a car accident caused because someone else swerved into you while using their phone, they may be liable. But if you were speeding at the time, you may also have a share of the responsibility. Each case is different and we will be able to explain when these rules apply.

What Can a Denver Personal Injury Lawyer Do for You?

Recover Physically and Financially

We will refer you to the best doctors and medical facilities in Colorado. We know the facilities that can be trusted to care for you. We want you to get better without having to worry about your medical treatment.

Fight On Your Behalf, So You Can Rest

If you or a loved one have been injured, you need to recover. You cannot focus on recovery if you’re stressed about legal paperwork, how you are going to get your car fixed, and insurers harassing you.

Denver Personal Injury Lawyers go above and beyond to ensure every client can have faith that their personal injury claim is going smoothly.

From gathering and protecting evidence to negotiations and paperwork, we will take care of the complicated matters so you can rest.

The Best Legal Strategies

Being versatile is essential. Many times, we can avoid court by negotiating a settlement directly. Determining which direction to take is a crucial part of our job and can make a big difference in the outcome of your case.

Get The Money You Deserve

As experienced attorneys, we know the consequences of undervalued claims. You deserve more than an insulting, bare minimum offer. Using our expertise, we will show how you’ve suffered damages that many wouldn’t even consider.

What If Someone Has Been Killed in an Accident in Denver?

Wrongful Death Claims

No amount of money can ever replace what you’ve lost or fix your pain when a loved one dies. But every surviving family has a right to compensation.

If a loved one has been killed in an accident that was not their fault, you may be able to file a wrongful death claim.

Wrongful death claims are designed to help surviving families gain compensation for damages such as funeral costs, medical bills, and loss of earnings.

You can contact our compassionate Denver wrongful death attorneys for a free consultation today.

How Much Could I Win in a Personal Injury Claim?

Every personal injury claim is unique. Every victim’s injuries and damages vary in severity and costs. Our Denver personal injury lawyers can help determine a realistic figure, so you aren’t undervalued or manipulated by insurance companies.

Limits on Recoverable Damages in Denver:

In Colorado, there is no cap or limit on economic damages for personal injuries.

For noneconomic losses, Colorado has a cap of $250,000 (plus inflation). Although Colorado courts can increase this up to $500,000 if it finds “justification by clear and convincing evidence.”

There is no cap on non-economic damages for anyone who has suffered a permanent physical impairment.

Types of Damages

Economic Damages

  • Medical Expenses (past and future, since the date of the accident)
  • Rehabilitation Costs
  • Treatment Costs
  • Lost Wages
  • Loss of Future Earnings
  • In-Home Care Expenses
  • Medical Equipment Costs
  • Transportation Expenses
  • Out of pocket expenses

Non-Economic Damages

Not every impact on your life will have a clear financial value. You may be experiencing severe physical pain, loss of range of motion, PTSD, mental or emotional issues following your accident – which can also be compensated for. They include:

  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life
  • Loss of Consortium
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • PTSD
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Mental Anguish
  • Scarring / Disfigurement
  • Permanent Impairment
  • Long-Term Disability
  • Potential Punitive Damages
  • Property Damage

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages may also be awarded in cases where the at-fault party displayed reckless behavior or intentions to harm.

Punitive damages are designed to punish and set an example, while also providing additional compensation to victims.

What Cases Do Denver Personal Injury Lawyers Handle?

Denver Personal Injury Lawyers has the legal expertise in many areas of personal injury law, including:

Car Accidents

Denver’s roads are notoriously dangerous, with around 220 reported car accidents every day. Every year over 10,000 accidents result in injuries.

Colorado is an ‘at-fault state, which obliges the at-fault driver’s insurer to cover the costs of the accident.

If you’ve been injured in a Denver car accident, then our Denver personal injury lawyers can help.

Common Causes Of Denver Car Accidents:

  • Distracted drivers
  • Careless or reckless driving
  • Following too closely
  • Failure to yield
  • Aggressive driving
  • Speeding
  • Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Drunk Driving
  • Lane Violations

Common Parties In Denver Car Accidents:

  • Bicyclists
  • Bus drivers
  • Cab companies
  • Employers of negligent parties
  • Government agencies
  • Lyft and Uber drivers
  • Motorcyclists
  • Other drivers
  • Passengers in your car
  • Pedestrians
  • RTD bus drivers
  • Taxi companies
  • Taxi drivers
  • The driver of your car
  • Transit companies
  • Truck drivers
  • Trucking companies

Bus Accidents

Denver’s roads feature various bus services, including RTD buses, school buses and tour buses. Bus crashes are often violent and result in serious injuries.

Bus accidents claims can be complex as multiple parties, including government agencies, may be involved. Government agencies such as RTD buses require that claims be made under strict procedures and deadlines.

If you’ve been injured in a bus accident in Denver, contact our Denver personal injury lawyers so we can help you recover your damages.

Common Causes Of Denver Bus Accidents:

  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Driving while intoxicated
  • Driver error
  • Defective bus equipment
  • Hazardous road conditions

Common Liable Parties in Denver Bus Accidents:

  • Other drivers
  • Bus drivers
  • Bus companies
  • Bus and part manufacturers
  • Government agencies or municipalities

Dog Bites and Animal Attacks

Dog bites and animal attacks can be traumatic and horrific. If an owner’s irresponsibility led to the attack, you deserve compensation. In many cases, these dangerous dog breeds should have never been allowed in the area or apartment complex.

Denver has strict guidelines regarding dog ownership, especially Pitbulls. Over the past decade, 5,721 dog bites have been reported in Denver.

If a dog in Denver has bitten you, you should first receive medical treatment before contacting our Denver personal injury lawyers for guidance and legal action. Then contact the police and animal control to make a report.

Electric Scooter Accidents

As electric scooters grow in popularity, as does the number of scooter accidents. With over 2,850 electric scooters on our streets, there are now strict rules to protect road and sidewalk users.

Mechanical faults have also been seen in the past, forcing manufacturers to pay victims for their injuries.

If you’ve been injured in an electric scooter accident in Denver, please contact our Denver personal injury lawyers so we can assess your accident and win you the money you deserve.

Common Causes of Electric Scooter Accidents:

  • Pedestrian collisions
  • Speed limiters removed
  • Mechanical failures
  • Unsafe road conditions
  • Dangerous scooter driving
  • Collisions with cars
  • Acts of vandalism

Common Liable Parties in Electric Scooter Accidents:

  • Scooter operators
  • Vehicle drivers
  • Pedestrians
  • Bird, Lime, Lyft, Spin and Razor
  • Bus drivers
  • Road maintenance agencies

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents are almost always life-changing and expensive. In 2020, 137 motorcyclists died on Denver roads. With such severe injuries, the costs of rehabilitation and treatment are often eye-watering.

Other road users may be liable for you or your loved one’s injuries, and filing a personal injury claim may allow you to recover your damages.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident in Denver, our Denver personal injury lawyers can help.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents:

  • Distracted driving
  • Bad road conditions
  • Defective motorcycle parts
  • Improper and illegal turns
  • Speeding
  • Reckless driving

Common Liable Parties in Motorcycle Accidents:

  • Other drivers
  • Pedestrians
  • Other motorcyclists
  • Manufacturers
  • Bus drivers and bus companies
  • Road maintenance agencies

Pedestrian Accidents

There are a lot of pedestrians on the streets in Denver. Pedestrian accidents are a nightmare scenario where someone gets hit by a vehicle. The injuries tend to be life-threatening and life-changing.

60% of Colorado pedestrian accidents result in injuries, which deserve to be compensated for if someone else was at fault.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a pedestrian accident in Denver, we welcome you to contact our Denver personal injury lawyers to fight on your behalf.

Common Pedestrian Accident Causes:

  • Distracted driving
  • Aggressive driving
  • Driver inexperience
  • Driving Under Influence (DUI)
  • Crosswalk problems

Common Liable Parties in Pedestrian Accidents:

  • Other drivers
  • Bus drivers
  • Motorcyclists
  • Bicyclists
  • Electric Scooter operators
  • Road maintenance agencies

Ski and Snowboard Accidents

Ski and snowboard accident claims are legally complex, but winnable with the appropriate steps. Did you know that if someone crashed into you and hurts you, you can make a claim against their homeowner’s insurance? And, these policies are usually pretty large.

With 72.8% of Colorado skiing accidents resulting in fractures, many victims can miss work, face expensive medical care and, at worst, become paralyzed.

Contact our Denver personal injury lawyers if you or a loved one have been injured in a skiing or snowboard accident in Denver.

Common Causes of Ski and Snowboard Accidents:

  • Collisions with other skiers
  • Ski lift accidents
  • Malfunctioning bindings
  • Ski resort negligence

Train Accidents

When you commute on a train, you expect to come home safely. Train companies have a duty of care to keep you safe. But negligence, failure to inspect and maintain, and part failure can cause accidents.

Train accident injury claims can be complex to handle, as you may be filing against a government train provider.

By contacting our Denver personal injury lawyers, we can work on your behalf to bring you the compensation you deserve.

Common Causes of Train Accidents:

  • Human error
  • Train driver negligence
  • Equipment Failure
  • Derailments
  • Fires
  • Collisions with vehicles and other trains

Common Liable Parties in Train Accidents:

  • Railroad companies
  • Major freight companies
  • Public train companies
  • Train operators
  • Motorists
  • Pedestrians
  • Part and train manufacturers

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries range from mild to severe. The most common type of brain injury is called a concussion. All injuries to the brain can be life-changing injuries that may trigger long term medical care, medication, personality changes and cognitive issues.

Over 5,000 people in Colorado are hospitalized with TBIs every year. Regardless of the severity, our job is to ensure that victims receive the compensation they deserve to afford the recovery.

Using specialists and modern medical technology we will prove that your accident resulted in your brain injury. Often, simply understanding the injury gives our clients peace of mind.

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury in Denver, please contact us today for a free consultation.

Common Liable Parties in Traumatic Brain Injury Cases:

  • Car drivers
  • Truck drivers
  • Business owners
  • Product manufacturers
  • Property owners
  • The city or the state

Common Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries:

  • Falls
  • Motor vehicle traffic crashes
  • Being struck by or against something
  • Assaults

Trucking Accidents

With trucks weighing up to 80,000 lbs., they act like wrecking balls when colliding with other vehicles. Statistics show that the majority of truck crashes result in serious injuries. Fortunately, trucks carry commercial insurance policies, so there is often a lot of insurance money available to compensate you.

Truck accident claims can be complex, as you may be dealing with truck companies, drivers, manufacturers, shipping companies and road maintenance companies.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a Denver trucking accident, please feel free to contact our Denver personal injury lawyers for a free consultation.

Common Causes of Trucking Accidents:

  • Faulty truck brakes
  • Driver speeding
  • Driver error
  • Distracted driving
  • Fatigued driving
  • Roadway problems or damaged
  • Truck cargo shift

Common Liable Parties in Truck Accidents:

  • Truck drivers
  • Trucking companies
  • Truck manufacturers
  • Tuck maintenance providers
  • Other vehicle drivers
  • The distributor or shipping service provider
  • Government agency

Types of Injuries We Fight to Recover Compensation For:

Denver Personal Injury Lawyers have experience handling cases on behalf of clients who have suffered:

  • Amputation
  • Back, shoulder, and neck injury
  • Brain Injury
  • Burn Injury
  • Burns
  • Catastrophic injury
  • Chest injury
  • Crushing injury
  • Eye injury
  • Fractures and broken bones
  • Head injury, including concussion
  • Paralysis
  • Sprains and strains
  • Scarring & Disfigurement
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Whiplash

How Long Do I Have to File a Colorado Personal Injury Claim?

Colorado’s Statute of Limitations limits you to just two years from the date of injury to file a personal injury claim.

However, if your accident involved a motor vehicle, you are provided an extra year (three in total). (§13-80-102 and §13-80-101).

The sooner you start the process, the higher your chances of success. From gathering evidence to negotiations, time is of the essence. If you are waiting months or years to contact a personal injury attorney about a claim, the chances of success are not going to be high.

We advise you to contact a Denver personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

What If I Contributed to The Accident?

If you were partly to blame for the accident, all hope is not lost. In Colorado, we have Comparative Fault laws. So long as you weren’t more than 50% responsible for your accident, you likely have grounds to file a personal injury claim.

By speaking to our Denver personal injury lawyers, we can assess your case and determine what is possible.

Our Personal Injury Claim Process

Initial Consultations

During our free consultations, we will speak to you to learn about your accident experience, your expectations and your concerns. We will answer any questions and determine what is possible moving forward.

Protecting Your Rights

Insurance companies use tactics to take advantage of people like you who have been injured. They know you’ll be desperate for compensation and scared of what may be ahead.

Our legal team will immediately take over communication with insurance companies to protect your rights. We will also preserve evidence and collect more while it’s fresh.

Specialist Resources

We can connect you with specialists in Denver for medical treatment and diagnosis. During this phase, we will monitor medical records and bills to create a paper trail that supports your case.


We will carry out thorough investigations into your accident to determine the true cause. We will pull the full accident reports and speak to witnesses. In certain cases, we will employ a private investigator to assist us.


All documentation in your claim will be organized into a ‘demand package’, that details the story of your case. It will be presented to the insurance company, who will have the chance to accept, reject or counter the offer.

Our communication with you during this phase will allow you to make the final decision. We will keep you informed as we negotiate on your behalf.

Pre-Litigation Settlement

Most personal injury claims are settled in a pre-litigation settlement. This means that there is no need for a lawsuit. We will negotiate the maximum possible figure to help you recover.

Filing a Lawsuit

If the insurance company refuses to negotiate or their offer is unacceptable, we will file a lawsuit on your behalf. This is always done with your input and consent.

Discovery and Depositions

Although jury trials are rare, we always prepare for their possibility. A deposition is your chance to tell your story under oath. Almost all cases settle at this point. But, if it doesn’t we will be prepared for the trial.


Before facing a jury, your case is likely to go before a meditator. Their job is to listen to both sides and try to get both sides to agree on a settlement figure.

In many cases, the claim is settled at this point as the insurance company is fully educated on the strength of the case.

Jury Trial

Some cases may end up in court. In those instances, the final step in securing the compensation you deserve is to present your case before a jury. Our expert and experienced Denver personal injury lawyers will show the jury why you deserve to win. A jury of 6 people will then decide the figure they believe is fair.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Denver, CO

Free Consultations

Our consultations for personal injury cases are always free of charge. We do not pressure people to hire us. We believe that once you speak to us, you will trust that we know what we are talking about.

If you’ve suffered injuries due to someone else’s negligence, then our Denver personal injury lawyers can help you receive much-deserved compensation.

With a combination of a proven track record for decades, resources to handle any case, esteemed legal reputation and a compassionate approach, we believe there is no better team than Denver Personal Injury Lawyers to get you the money you deserve. We look forward to serving you during this difficult time in your life.

Free Consultation

Fill out the form below and one of our attorneys will get back to you as soon as possible.

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    Proudly Serving Denver, CO

    Denver Personal Injury Lawyers®

    Tel: 720-500-HURT
    Tel: 720-500-4878
    Fax: 720-265-9998

    Denver Office
    1001 Bannock St #8
    Denver, CO 80204

    Arvada Office
    5610 Ward Rd #300
    Arvada, CO 80002

    Centennial Office
    9200 E Mineral Ave #100
    Centennial, CO 80112

    Lakewood Office
    355 S Teller St #200
    Lakewood, CO 80226

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      Don’t Go Before Getting Help With Your Injury Claim!

      We provide an experienced team of lawyers who deal solely with personal injuries cases. We get results quickly so that you can move forward with your life.